The Packing Identification
1. The package must be marked with the Chinese character of monopotassium phosphate detailed by the name, address, telephone number of its factory and the implementation standard number. Others labeled by "compound" , "improved" , "monopotassium phosphate type" are not genuine.
2. The bottle-kept liquid monopotassium phosphate on the market does not conform to the "white crystal or powder appearance" requirement of the HG / T2321-2016 standard. Besides, no liquid monopotassium phosphate product is acknowledged by any of the national regulations. Therefore, the liquid one is the faker.
3. The component told by its label gives no proof to the genuine monopotassium phosphate, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium even together with micro nutrient like boron, zinc and iron and high tech ones like growth factors and rare earths. It is well known that monopotassium phosphate contains only phosphorus and potassium with no nitrogen and micronutrient and never has it classified into types I, II or compound by the national standard. Therefore, the one with the listed ingredients of "nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium" , "mixing formula" , "micro nutrient" , "rare earth" , "compound" can be regarded as the fake.
4. No monopotassium phosphate is below the purity of 98% for a regular neutralisation process generates at least the 98% ones, as long as no accident happens.
The Product Identification
1. Take a little of it onto the iron sheet to heat. The genuine one will be dissolved into transparent liquid and solidified into translucent glassy substance. The shoddy monopotassium phosphate gives a smell of ammonia when it comes to the fire for the genuine one never contains nitrogen. The sun exposure will not change the appearance of white crystal or powder. Otherwise, the doubtful ones.
2. Dissolve the sodium bicarbonate ("saleratus" or "baking soda") in a glass half filled with warm water and then stir it to get a standard alkali solution. Put 10 grams of monopotassium phosphate into the solution. That out comes a large number of bubbles indicates the genuine. Others, such as plenty of flocculent precipitation, are fakers.